Where can I find further information on Manning Asset Management or the Fund?

An Information Memorandum is available for the Fund. Please request a copy from this page or by contacting Manning Asset Management on [email protected] .

Is the Fund a ‘fund of funds’?

The Fund invests in assets originated by selected counterparties. The structure of these assets varies on a counterparty by counterparty basis – the Fund’s exposures may be in many forms, [...]

How are assets valued?

The Fund’s assets are valued at least monthly in accordance with the Fund’s valuation methodology to arrive at a fair valuation for new and existing unitholders. The Fund’s valuation which drives [...]

What are the risks of investing in a commingled fund?

A commingled fund is a fund consisting of assets that are pooled together, enabling potential benefits from diversification and economies of scale compared to separate accounts. The risk profile [...]

What is the Fund’s distribution policy? When does the Fund make distributions? In what form are these distributions made?

The Fund distributes all income received, net of its base fee and any performance fee and costs directly attributable to the Fund. The Fund makes monthly income distributions. These can either be [...]

How often will I receive Fund reporting?

Investors receive an investor statement monthly and monthly distribution statement together with a transaction statement after each transaction and an annual tax statement.

Why do you charge a buy/sell spread?

Buy/sell spreads are charged on investments (excluding reinvestments of distributions). This is to compensate the Fund for its increased holdings of cash during the period taken to invest or [...]

What are the fees associated with investing in the Fund?

Manning Asset Management charges a base fee of 0.5% of the balance per annum as at the last calendar day of each month. In addition, a performance fee of 10% of the Fund’s outperformance (post [...]

How has the Fund performed to date?

Please see “The Fund” page for latest returns. Click here

Does the Fund use leverage and derivatives?

The Fund may hedge some or all of any foreign exchange or interest rate exposure with the assistance of a specialist service provider The Fund does not anticipate using leverage and derivatives [...]

What level of liquidity is available in the Fund?

Liquidity is monitored on a continuous basis. The level of Fund liquidity will vary throughout the month depending principally on underlying repayments/prepayments flowing through from the [...]

Is my money locked up for a minimum term?

No. Investors can redeem monthly providing the Fund has sufficient liquidity.

What is the Fund’s investment horizon?

3 – 5 years. Note that returns may vary within that timeframe.

What are the main risks of investing in the Fund?

Like all investments, the Fund involves a level of risk. There are a number of risks of investing in the Fund. These include, but are not limited to: General Investment risk– risk that the [...]

What assets are included in the Fund? How does MAM select these assets? Can these assets change over time?

The Fund can invest in any Fixed Income instrument including (without limitation) senior and subordinated tranches of residential mortgage-backed securities and asset-backed securities; senior [...]

How does the Fund generate returns?

The Fund generates returns through its exposure to a diversified portfolio of fixed income assets originated by domestic counterparties.

Is there a minimum investment amount?


Who can invest in the Fund?

Investment in the Fund is restricted to investors who qualify as ‘wholesale clients’ under Chapter 7 of the Corporations Act 2001. A wholesale client is: A client who is applying for units in the [...]

Why invest in the Fund?

The Fund provides cost-effective exposure to a diversified pool of Australian fixed income assets originated by selected counterparties. Our firmly held belief is that there is significant [...]

What is the Fund’s investment objective?

The Investment Manager seeks to generate absolute returns of RBA cash rate plus 5% per annum over rolling 5 years (net of fees, excluding tax) with returns primarily delivered as income.

What is the Fund?

The Fund is an unlisted Australian domiciled unit trust. It invests in a diversified portfolio of fixed income assets originated through domestic counterparties. The Fund is actively managed to [...]