Manning Monthly Income Fund

Fund Objective

The Manning Monthly Income Fund (Fund) seeks to generate absolute returns of RBA cash rate plus 5% per annum over rolling 5 years (net of fees, excluding tax) with returns primarily delivered as income.

Fund Strategy

The Fund is a purpose-built solution for investors who want a monthly income stream and a strong focus on capital stability managed by a proven team and process. The strategy is implemented by constructing a high-quality diversified portfolio of Australian fixed-income assets originated by proven counterparties. The Fund is actively managed by an industry-leading team to enhance risk/return characteristics through time.

Key Facts

Fund status Open to wholesale investors only
Benchmark RBA cash rate + 5% p.a. over rolling 5 years (net of fees)
Applications Monthly
Distributions Monthly
Redemptions Monthly - Redemption request must be submitted no later than 10 business days prior to the end of the month
Buy / Sell Spread 0.25%/0.25% charged upfront
Management fee Base fee of 0.65% + Performance fee of 10% on the Fund’s outperformance of the RBA cash rate(post base fee).
Fund leverage Nil
Reinvestment plan Available
Minimum investment


Platform Availability

Mason Stevens
IOOF (Wholesale Access)
AET (Australian Executor Trustees)


Net investment returns: May 2016 (inception) to August 2024


Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance. Returns are net of fees, excluding tax, and assume reinvestment of all distributions. Returns greater than one year are annualised.